Overcome Every Concept of Limitation

Overcome Limitation by The Fusion of Your Heart with My Own …. So the power of the presence of the Mother that God has given to me has been a mitigating factor against the falsehoods of the false hierarchy of religion East and West. Nothing can separate the...
God Lives Within You

God Lives Within You

God Lives Within You …. Seek now in this hour to go to the heart of God, who lives within you yet, that you might know a fire that flows for the enveloping of the soul that the soul might become nearer and nearer to full bonding with the threefold flame and the Holy...
You are a Sphere of Light

You are a Sphere of Light

You must be able to look at things, records, people, situations, longings, unfulfilled expectations and say to them all: “I am a God-free being complete in myself in the heart of God. I do not need this. I do not need that. I do not need the next thing. Others may...
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