How to Pray the Rosary for
The Sons and Daughters of God
and the Children of God
I. The initial action of the Rosary is the Sign of the Cross.
As you make the sign of the Cross:
- touching the forehead (“In the Name of the Father”)
- the heart (“And of the Mother”)
- the left shoulder (“And of the Son”) and
- the right shoulder (“And of the Holy Spirit”)
you are marking on your body your adoration to
the Father, the Mother, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The Sign of the Cross
In the name of the Father
and of the Mother
and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit,
II. The Keeper’s Daily Prayer
A universal creed for people of all faiths.
This prayer is a declaration of faith for all religions.
The Keeper’s Daily Prayer
A Flame is active –
A Flame is vital –
A Flame is eternal –
I AM a God Flame of radiant love
From the very heart of God
In the Great Central Sun,
Descending from the Master of Life!
I AM charged now
With beloved Helios and Vesta’s
Supreme God Consciousness
And Solar Awareness.
Pilgrim upon earth,
I AM walking daily the Way
Of the Ascended Masters’ victory
That leads to my eternal freedom
By the power of the Sacred Fire
This day and always,
Continually made manifest
In my thoughts, feelings, and immediate awareness,
Transcending and transmuting
All the elements of earth
Within my four lower bodies
And freeing me by the power of the Sacred Fire
From those misqualified foci of energy within my being.
I AM set free right now from all that binds
By and through the currents of the Divine Flame
Of the Sacred Fire itself
Whose ascending action makes me
God in manifestation, God in action,
God by direction and
God in consciousness!
I AM an active Flame!
I AM a vital Flame!
I AM an eternal Flame!
I AM an expanding Fire Spark
From the Great Central Sun
Drawing to me now every ray
Of divine energy which I need
And which can never by requalified by the human
And flooding me with the Light
And God-illumination of a thousand suns
To take dominion and rule supreme forever
Everywhere I AM!
Where I AM, there God is also.
Unseparated forever I remain,
Increasing my Light
By the smile of His radiance,
The fullness of His love,
The omniscience of His wisdom, and the power of His life eternal,
Which automatically raises me
On ascension’s wings of victory
That shall return me to the Heart of God
From whence in truth
I AM come to do God’s will
And manifest abundant Life to all!
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