Ascended Masters Teachings
Wesak is the major Buddhist festival of the year. It is the celebration of Gautama Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and ascension into nirvana. This yearly celebration of the Wesak Festival is celebrated when the sun is in Taurus and it is a full moon, usually during the...
Ascended Masters Teachings
It is Time to Escape out of Your Human Experience and Walk the Inner Path Unfolding Your Latent Divinity. . . Wake up dear hearts And hear the voice of one crying in the wilderness (The wilderness is the material world) Crying crying – the inner voice is saying...
Ascended Masters Teachings
Angels are Your Helpers Sent from God Their assignment is to help you according to God’s Will. God sends angels as helpers for every task and project you have. Angels are just a thought away, they are always with us when you send them loving thoughts and feelings. In...