Power of the Spoken Word: Missing Key to Spirituality

Violet Flame with Chakras It has been written about the science of the spoken word and the true power of the spoken word. If you would take up and learn how to use this power of the spoken word, you could totally change your life. Words can change your world. God uses...

THE Key if You Want to Change Your Life

16 Petals Throat Chakra As I woke this morning, I was thinking about how much could change if people all over the world would take up the science of the spoken word. Let me begin by saying I am a scientist. My first profession was as a Naturopathic Doctor, a doctor of...
How to Give Violet Flame Decrees

How to Give Violet Flame Decrees

Violet Flame Decrees, ‘the Singing Flame’ 1. Begin Your Spiritual Work with a Prayer Pray and ask the Ascended Masters, angels and elementals to be with you and to help you. 2. First, Protect Yourself You need to seal your aura with protective energy...

The Violet Flame for Healing and Health

Use the Violet Flame to Heal Yourself. One way to begin healing by cleaning up all your ‘bad karma’ is to start giving daily violet flame decrees. Using the violet flame begins immediately to change your world because it is the most physical of all the...
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