How to Produce Mastery of the Mind

How to Produce Mastery of the Mind

How to Produce Mastery of the Mind… A Visualization for Mental Mastery “The Energies of the Soul Raised to the Third Eye Sealed in an ovoid of light, the energies of the seat-of-the-soul chakra rise to the level of the third eye for the fulfillment of the...

Overcome Every Concept of Limitation

Overcome Limitation by The Fusion of Your Heart with My Own …. So the power of the presence of the Mother that God has given to me has been a mitigating factor against the falsehoods of the false hierarchy of religion East and West. Nothing can separate the...
Hold Firmly to the Hand of God

Hold Firmly to the Hand of God

Only by holding firmly to the hand of God, your own I AM Presence, and the ascended host in times of Darkness as well as in times of Light can you ever find the way, the Middle Way, which the beloved Gautama lived. Walking this Middle Way, one does not become so...
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